WE all had a delicious meal containing tacos, beans, rice, chips (w/guacamole and SALSA) and SOME MOUNTAIN DEW. We had planned to have a big breakfast consisting of pancakes, bacon, sausage, orange juice............. but it just wasn't meant to be.
AFTER DINNER...... we (Sam, Lance, & I) went outside to play with our mote control helicopter.
You might say that we aren't pros at flying the copters but we are getting better. Sammy and Lancey are way better than me but what can I say I'm a girl..... +008.jpg)
1 comment:
Hey! Just because you are a girl does NOT mean you can't fly a remote control helicopter as well as S or L. I imagine they just spend a lot more time practicing than you do.
Also, sorry I never made it over on NYEve! When I left my friends house, later than I expected, I was just SOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooo tired that I couldn't imagine staying up any later so I promptly drove home and tucked myself in bed and was asleep by 11pm.
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